About Us

At Eliminate Chaos, we are the experts in moving, organizing and productivity, specializing in providing solutions for our discerning clientele. Our collaborative approach ensures that your unique needs and goals are at the forefront of our process, as we work together to create elegant and effective systems tailored to your lifestyle. Our founder, Laura Leist, has developed a proven 10-step process over decades of experience, ensuring that your aspirations are within reach. Our sophisticated solutions are designed for effortless maintenance, ensuring that your home remains organized and refined well into the future.

Our Expertise

Click for a full bio

Founder, Productivity Specialist™, Speaker

Laura Leist, CPO, MOS, CRTS

Founder, Productivity Specialist™, Coach, Speaker, Author

Robert Leist - Sr. IT Systems Consultant

Robert Leist, CNE, CNA, CNS

Sr. IT Systems Consultant
